Steps to Become a Christian Motivational Speaker

Theme Spotlight
5 min readSep 30, 2023
Steps to Becoming a Christian Motivational Speaker


Becoming a Christian motivational speaker can be a fulfilling way to inspire and uplift others while sharing your faith. Whether you’re drawn to speaking in churches, at conferences, or through various media platforms, your journey toward becoming a Christian motivational speaker begins with a strong desire to make a positive impact. In this blog, we’ll outline the essential steps to help you embark on this meaningful path.

20 Steps for Becoming a Christian Motivational Speaker:

1. Embrace Your Calling

The first step to becoming a Christian motivational speaker is recognizing your calling. It’s essential to feel a deep conviction that you are meant to share your faith, inspire others, and motivate them to live purposeful lives. Take time to pray, reflect, and seek confirmation from trusted mentors or spiritual leaders.

2. Develop Your Faith

A strong and deep faith is the foundation of your credibility as a Christian motivational speaker. Invest time in reading the Bible, studying theology, and deepening your relationship with God. Your authenticity and personal experiences will resonate more strongly with your audience if they can see your faith is genuine.

3. Identify Your Niche

Next, identify the specific area within Christianity that you are passionate about and knowledgeable in. This could be related to personal growth, leadership, relationships, faith, or any other relevant topic. Your niche will help you target your message and connect with a specific audience.

4. Hone Your Speaking Skills

Effective communication is at the heart of motivational speaking. Invest in developing your speaking skills by attending workshops, courses, or hiring a coach if necessary. Practice your speaking regularly, and seek feedback to improve your delivery, storytelling, and overall presentation.

5. Craft Your Message

Your message should be rooted in your personal experiences, faith journey, and the wisdom you’ve gained along the way. Craft a clear and compelling message that reflects your passion and resonates with your audience. Make sure your message is positive, uplifting, and aligned with Christian values.

6. Build Your Platform

To reach a broader audience, you’ll need to establish a platform. Create a professional website, social media profiles, and a blog where you can share your message, insights, and personal stories. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages, and use these platforms to promote your speaking engagements.

7. Network within the Christian Community

Networking is vital in the speaking industry. Attend Christian conferences, events, and church gatherings to connect with fellow Christians, speakers, and event organizers. Building relationships within the Christian community can lead to speaking opportunities and collaborations.

8. Start Speaking

Begin by seeking opportunities to speak at local churches, youth groups, or small events. Offer your services for free initially to gain experience and build your speaking portfolio. As you gain confidence and testimonials, you can start charging for your services.

9. Record and Share Your Talks

Recording your talks and sharing them online is an effective way to reach a wider audience. Consider starting a YouTube channel or podcast to share your motivational messages and faith-based content. This can help you attract followers and potential speaking engagements.

10. Continuously Improve

Lastly, never stop learning and growing. Seek feedback from your audience and peers to identify areas for improvement. Attend conferences, read books, and stay updated with the latest trends in both Christianity and motivational speaking.

11. Create Compelling Content

As you continue to develop your platform, focus on creating compelling content that resonates with your audience. Share stories from your personal journey, biblical insights, and practical advice that can help people overcome challenges and grow in their faith. Consider writing books or ebooks that expand on your message and establish you as an authority in your niche.

12. Seek Speaking Opportunities

To gain experience and visibility, actively seek speaking opportunities beyond your local church or community. Reach out to event organizers, conference planners, and Christian organizations. Many churches and Christian groups regularly host guest speakers, so don’t hesitate to inquire about opportunities to share your message.

13. Invest in Marketing and Promotion

Effective marketing and promotion are essential for expanding your reach as a Christian motivational speaker. Use social media, email marketing, and advertising to promote your speaking engagements, content, and events. Engage with your audience authentically, and encourage them to share your message with others.

14. Develop a Unique Style

While it’s important to learn from other successful Christian motivational speakers, focus on developing your unique style and voice. Authenticity is a key factor in connecting with your audience. Be yourself, and let your passion and faith shine through in your presentations.

15. Overcome Fear and Nervousness

It’s natural to experience fear and nervousness when speaking in front of an audience. To overcome these challenges, practice relaxation techniques, deep breathing, and visualization exercises. Remind yourself of your calling and purpose, and trust that God is with you, guiding your words and actions.

16. Collect and Share Testimonials

As you gain experience and deliver impactful speeches, collect testimonials from those who have been inspired by your message. These testimonials serve as powerful social proof and can help you attract more speaking opportunities.

17. Stay Grounded in Prayer

Maintaining a strong prayer life is paramount for a Christian motivational speaker. Seek God’s guidance, wisdom, and strength through prayer. Dedicate your speaking endeavors to Him, and trust that He will use you as an instrument to inspire and motivate others.

18. Be Open to Adaptation

The world of motivational speaking is dynamic and ever-changing. Be open to adaptation and willing to learn from your experiences. If certain speaking methods or topics prove more effective, adjust your approach accordingly. Flexibility and a willingness to grow are essential for long-term success.

19. Measure Impact

Take time to assess the impact of your speaking engagements. Pay attention to audience feedback, track engagement metrics, and evaluate the reach and influence of your content. This data can help you refine your message and tailor it to better serve your audience.

20. Stay Committed to Your Faith

Throughout your journey as a Christian motivational speaker, it’s vital to stay committed to your own faith. Continue to seek personal growth, deepen your relationship with God, and maintain the integrity of your message. Your authenticity as a believer will shine through and resonate with your audience.


Becoming a Christian motivational speaker is a rewarding journey that combines your faith, passion, and communication skills to inspire others on their spiritual paths. By embracing your calling, developing your faith, identifying your niche, honing your speaking skills, and building your platform, you can make a significant impact in the lives of others while sharing the love and hope found in Christianity. Remember, your journey as a Christian motivational speaker is a lifelong commitment to uplifting and encouraging those who hear your message.

